(These are Continued Education classes in a group setting focusing on traditional obedience exercises.) This basic manners course is aimed at helping the humans understand how dogs think and how to communicate in an effective way. The basic skills covered will allow you and your dog to become a great team! You can take your dog out in social situations; and your dog will be able to follow simple commands such as sit, stay, down, stay, come when called and walking with a loose leash. Training your dog should not be a chore, it should be something you and your dog look forward to every day. This class is open for all levels. *PREREQUISITE: FUNdamentals class:
Four 1 hour lessons with one on one training. |
Does your dog pay this much attention to you?
We build REALationships! |
(These are group classes focused on the skills necessary for exactness and precision for those handlers wanting to compete with their dog.) If you are interested in competing in any AKC Rally Obedience Trials then join us in class to help prepare you for the competition. You will practice individual skills at different locations and also participate in mock trial runs where you can practice the obedience signs that you will encounter at the trial. Family Dog Obedience is there to help guide you and your dog to have fun, and to make the most of your time together at the trial. If your dog is not having fun, then you're not doing it right! *PREREQUISITE: FUNdamentals class or 1 on 1 evaluation |
Chris and Sadie working off leash on figure 8's
with positive rewards after a job well done! |
SCENTWORK CLASS Classes are held for those wanting to learn more about the fun activity of Scent work. Start on the foundation level and move all the way to advanced classes where you and your dog can enter the innovative sport of Nose Work competitions. Learn how any dog can do nose work and experience an exciting new way of bonding with your dog. Nose Work training can be done anytime and anywhere, which makes it one of the most versatile and fun sporting events out there. From finding their food to searching out target odors, you and your dog will learn what is it to be a team!
*Consultation and evaluation needed to join this class. |
Kris working her girl Jetta on boxes
with residual scent and distractions all around. Havoc working on indicating with white boxes at the exact corner where the scent was. Both pups at Novice stage but they love this sport! |
Tracking classes are seasonal and start on the foundation level but can move up to AKC trials all the way to meeting the human needs in the Canine Search and Rescue arena. Any breed can learn to track. All dogs have a natural ability to use their noses to follow a scent. Contact us if you would like to sign up for an information session, or come out and join us to observe a class. You won't find a more willing participant than your dog, and tracking is a fun way for you and your dog to enjoy the outdoors. Classes are held at various locations around the city in appropriate seasonal weather.
*Consultation and evaluation needed to join this class. |
Flaire is a talented girl. Tracking, Rally, Scent work...
she enjoys lots of activities that are fun and challenging. |
Agility training is perfect for older and younger dogs. There are many different equipment pieces to try out and learn on. There is the A-frame, dog walk, bar jumps, tunnels, teeter totters, weave poles and a walking bridge. It is a fun way to bond and communicate with your dog while running an obstacle course. It is a great way to keep the mind fresh and the body fit, for you both.
*Invitation or evaluation needed for this class. |
Learning to navigate the teeter totter at the training field.
Kimberley guiding Havoc
through the weave poles. Novice level. |
For more information on different training classes feel free to visit: